Tuesday 2 February 2010

Fire Safety RULES!!!

Today we were treated to a wonderful talk By Mr Louis Minchella, a very experienced fire fighter.

He explained that all materials burn but some burn quicker and easier than others. We told him we had discovered this when studying the Great fire of London!
Mr Minchella showed us his protective clothes which are designed to be 'fire resistent'.

This is the latest new recruit!

We learnt that fire needs three things fuel or material, air, and an ignition source. We discussed what could act as an ignition source; matches, candles, electrical appliances, even lightning!

We know that we have a right to feel safe, and as we grow up we also have a responsibility to look after ourselves. Mr Minchella had some good advice for us.
In the event of a fire Get out, stay out, and call the fire brigade out!
If you catch fire Stop, drop and roll!
Be safe
Check your smoke alarm.
Know your emergency route out of the house.
Don't play with matches.

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