Sunday 15 November 2009

Patterns on the page.

 In our literacy lessons we have been exploring poetry. We have found out that poetry involves patterns of sound, shape or lay out.  We have looked at poems and discussed how they work and what makes them successful. We have taken poems and changed them or added to them to make them our own. The first is a rhyming poem that we added our own verses to.......... 

What are little children .........?

I am not a sugar and spice child 

An all things nice child.
A do as you’re told
Good as gold child.

I ‘m a climbing trees,
Dirty knees, child.
A super writer,
Read at nighter. Child.

A quick to trick and love to kick 

A football child.
I ‘m a usually mild,
Sometimes wild, child!

A really sporty,

Sometimes naughty, child!
I am a love to play
Too much to say

By Polar Bear Base.

Our next poem is adapted from Cats Can by Coral Rumble. It works because certain words have been given special shapes. Our version is all about Polar Bears!

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