Thursday 15 October 2009

Pizza Making.

We looked at the ingredients that we need to make pizza and found out which countries they were from. We used a globe and maps to find how far some of the foods have to travel to get to us.
In our literacy we have been looking at recipes and learning how to write instructions.
Here are Polar Bear  Base instructions for making pizza.

You will need
A pizza base
Tomato puree

First wash your hands.
Secondly spread the tomato puree on the pizza base.
Then peel and chop the onoins and place on the base.
After that slice the mushrooms and add them to the pizza.
Next sprinkle on the sweetcorn.
Lastly grate the cheese onto the top of the pizza.
Bake, eat and enjoy!

Best comments of the day!
'I think we should rename our class to 'Pizza Base''
'This has been the best day ever'
'It's been like a beautiful dream all about food!'

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