Sunday 20 June 2010

Carnival celebration!

   In International Arts week we researched Brazil through the internet and books.We made a display of our fact files.

We watched a video clip of Carnivals in Brazil. We loved the energy and excitement of the parades. We listened to the samba rhythms and  made our own percussion instruments so we could recreate the sounds and rhythms. Luckily we have our very own wonderful drummer who skillfully led us in our carnival band!

Wednesday 16 June 2010

Come on Brazil!

This week is International arts week. We are looking at the art and culture of Brazil.........and following the football as well!!

Brazilians love to wear colourful clothes especially at Carnival time!
Here we are tie dying shirts in the colours of the Brazilian flag
First we washed and rinsed the shirts.

 Then we explored different ways of tieing or banding the material and predicted what sort of pattern would be made.

 Next we dyed them very carefully and left them to rest.

After a couple of hours we had a great undoing of bands. We were so excited!

 Most patterns came out as we predicted. Each one was different and each beautiful in its own way!

Becoming Streetwise!

Today we went on a trip to Streetwise.
We visited different areas learning how to spot dangers and keep ourselves safe in our everyday lives. We learnt how to make an emergency call for police, fire, ambulance or coastguard.



We had great fun but it also made us think hard about our responsibilities in keeping ourselves safe.
Thankyou Streetwise!! 

Wednesday 2 June 2010

Who turned the lights on?

Just look at the models we made using circuits to create working lights and switches.