Thursday 27 May 2010

Olympic fun at TBS!

Today we joined the other year 2 classes from local schools to take part in a morning of multi skills training at The Blandford School.
We started with a warm up orienteering exercise and an activity which revealed three key words to remember in our preparations for the Olympics, Excellence, Respect, and Friendship.
Just look at these photos to see these words in action!

Saturday 15 May 2010

Electric designs!

In our Art we have been exploring and designing patterns. We used repetition, rotation, and reflection. Some of our designs got quite complicated and gave us lots to talk about!

Monday 10 May 2010

Switched on kids!

Having got our circuits working successfully we posed the question 'What if we want to turn the bulbs on and off?'  We knew we would have to make a break in the circuit and put in a sort of switch. Here we are investigating two sorts of home made switches.

We wondered if different materials could be used to make switches. We tried plastic, card, glass and rubber but they didn't work because the electricity couldn't travel through them. The best conductors were the tin foil, the paper clip and the scissors because they were made of metal. 

Saturday 8 May 2010

Nature's Electricity!

There was a real wow factor in polar Bear base today!
One of the Dads had heard all about our work using batteries to make circuits and how we made our bulbs light up. He made this amazing clock powered not by batteries but by lemons!!

                                           Yes lemons! 
The electric current flows because a chemical reaction takes place between the metals and the acid in the lemons. 

The three lemons produce enough electricity to power the digital clock.
Wow! We are impressed!

Many Thanks to everyone involved.

Tuesday 4 May 2010

Making connections!

This half term our topic is 'Making Connections'.
In our science we are looking at electricity. We have planned lots of questions we want to find the answers to.
We have already found out how electricity is made and how it gets to our houses.
Here we are finding out for ourselves how to get a bulb to light up. It's all about making connections!

We found we had to join the components into a circuit so the electricity from the battery could flow around and light the bulb. If the circuit was not complete the bulb would not light.

Some of us tried adding extra components. We found that if you added two bulbs to the circuit the bulbs shone less brightly. We decided that this was because they had to share the electricity from the battery