Saturday 24 April 2010

Young Enterprise Day

The first day of the Summer term was very special. We took part in a 'Young Enterprise' programme.
Young Enterprise is a national education charity promoting links between schools and business. Its mission is
'To inspire and equip young poeople to learn and succeed through enterprise'
We learnt that a community is a place where businesses provide goods and services for people and where families live, shop, go to school or work and socialise.
We talked about jobs that people do in the community.
We discovered that some people get paid by their customers but other people don't!
We learnt that everyone must pay tax, which is some of their wages to the government so that these important services can be paid for.
We also learnt that communities only have a certain amount of money to spend and that important decisions have to be made about what the community needs and can afford. We took part in a democratic vote. Later we planned a community ourselves.
But we found we could not afford all the things we wanted or needed so we joined up with other communities to share important resources. 

Finally we learnt how money moves around a community.

We had a great day!
Many thanks to Peter and Hannah!
If you would like to know more about the Young Enterprise Primary Programme log on to the website at