Friday 29 January 2010

Fire Fire!

We have been learning about theGreat Fire of London in 1666. We learnt that the fire started in a bakers shop in Pudding Lane. It spread quickly because many buildings were built from wood and thatch. The roads were narrow and the houses were very close together. The strong wind helped the fire to spread.
We know about the fire because some people like the famous Samuel Pepys wrote eye witness accounts. Other people painted pictures of what they saw.
    We painted our own fire pictures. We looked at the shapes and colours used by artists in their compositions of fire. We experimented with different types of paint. We mixed warm shades using watercolour paint and made a wash for the background. Then we used acrylic paint to build up layers of paint to create the flames.


Thursday 28 January 2010

Bee Bots on the move!

In ICT we have been learning to input instructions into programmable toys. We have used mathematical vocabulary to plan and describe a journey.
We imagined the Bee Bots were fire engines and designed routes for them to travel to reach a fire. We had to continually check our instructions until they worked perfectly.

When we were sure we were ready we invited year five down with  the challenge
'Can you program the Fire engine to reach the fire?'
Here they are at work.


We did laugh when some of the Bee Bots went clockwise instead of anticlockwise!!
They all got there in the end!
Thanks Year 5....... We had fun!

Right angle searches.

In our maths lessons we have been learning about angles. We made ourselves Right angle checkers and went on a search around the classroom for right angles.

Sunday 10 January 2010


This half term our topic is FIRE.  
Here are some of the questions we would like to find answers to.

Welcome to 2010!

Great weather for Polar bears!

Saturday 2 January 2010

Let's party!

Everyone enjoyed their Christmas dinner! 
  Now you see it........

Now you don't!!

Happy Christmas Everyone!!

Christmas is coming!

Advent is a time for preparation for Christmas.
This is our Advent wreath.

Mrs Gibson made us an advent gingerbread tree. Each day someone has a piece as we count down to Christmas.

Friends of School very kindly gave each class a present. Here we are undoing ours. We were so excited!