Sunday 13 December 2009

In our history we have been looking at how life has changed over the last 100 years. We looked at old photographs of Blandford to see what we could discover about times gone by.
We found that 100 years ago there was a steam train that brought goods and people to Blandford. These were then collected from the station by a horse and carriage. There were very, very few cars! Children were safe to play in the streets and swam in the river [which was not safe!] The market was there and a few shops selling basic ingredients.
Now of course the town is full of cars and carparks! We have a whole variety of little shops and several large supermarkets. We can't play in the streets or swim in the river but we do have a nice heated pool at the leisure centre!
We found out what a day at school would have been like. We looked at a slate and slate pen that was actually found on the site of the old school. We learnt about canes and dunces caps and didn't like the sound of them! We are glad that the UNCRC article 28 states that discipline in school should respect a child's dignity!
We are glad we are a Rights Respecting school!

Vehicle designers

We looked at different types of vehicles and how each is designed specifically for its purpose. We investigated different axles and trhen designed and made our own vehicles usig recycled materials.

Sunday 6 December 2009

Fair tests

We investigated if the height of a ramp affects how far a car will travel.

 We learnt that to create a fair test you must only change one variable. Then in our groups we planned our own investigations into what affects the distance a car will travel.  Our ideas included the surface of the ramp, the weight of car, the type of car and the size of a car

We wrote up our experiments using a scientific explanation. 

Forcing the tissue!

In our science work we have been investigating forces. We exerted forces on different materials to see if we could change their shapes. Here we are pulling, pushing, twisting, stretching, squashing and squeezing!