Wednesday 30 September 2009

Food For Thought

Our topic this half term is 'Food For Thought'. We thought of lots of questions we would like to answer about food.
and many more!

Wednesday 16 September 2009

School council representatives

These are our school council representatives. We had our first council meeting today. First we talked about The new idea we have across the school of having 'eco bugs'. These are chosen to help everyone remember the importance of caring for our environment and conserving energy. In our class a new 'Eco bug' is chosen weekly. The 'Eco bug's job is to ensure that all lights are switched off, windows and doors are closed in winter, computers are closed down properly, waste paper is recycled, paper towels are used sensibly and that all resources are carefully looked after.
We then discussed some ideas for making rights and responsibilities charters for lunchtimes, the playground and the astroturf.

Saturday 12 September 2009

To Be The Best That We Can Be!

Hello Everyone!
We have had a fantastic first week back at school!

We have spent some time this week talking about what we want our classroom to be like so everyone can  'Be The Best That We Can Be!'.

We have thought about our 'Rights' those things which everyone can expect; the right to be safe, the right to feel comfortable, the right to learn, the right to have our say, and the right to be respected.

We then split up into groups and each group discussed how we must behave so that everyone can enjoy these rights. These are our 'Responsibilities'.
We then created our Class Charter and everyone signed their names to show we agreed with our 'Rights and Responsibilities'.